November 2023 Network Meeting: MA Safe Routes to School Recording

November 2023 Network Meeting: MA Safe Routes to School Recording

Judy Crocker joined us for this month’s WalkMassachusetts Network discussion to share about the MA Safe Routes to School program.

Since 2005, the federally funded Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program (nationally #1 ranked program of MassDOT) has been working to increase safe biking and walking for students grade K-12 by using a collaborative, community-focused approach that bridges the gap between health and transportation. Join this  as we discuss Their latest efforts include the recent inclusion of high schools, driver education materials, and DESE-accreditation for professional development of their pedestrian and bike safety curriculum.

The session was recorded, and you can view the presentation below.

Links shared during the discussion

The WalkMassachusetts Network typically meets every third Wednesday of each month at 1 pm. Register for upcoming Zoom calls at this link.

Anyone can listen in and participate in monthly calls! Join the Google Group to get a reminder about these Zoom calls.

Do you have a topic that should be discussed at a future meeting? Suggestions welcome!

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